Born: 27 October 573 AD
Died: 23 August 634 AD - 22 Jamadi-us-Sani 13 AH
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was died in the city of Medina, after the death of Muhammad (SAW) the leader of Muslim’s community the first caliph was elected from Medina too. The first caliph elected by Muslim community was Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA), the best friend & father in law of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) was born in 573 A.D & almost 2 years younger than our beloved Prophet (PBUH). He (RA) was the closest companion of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) & shared great personality characteristics of truthfulness, honesty & integrity with Him. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said about Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA): “O Abu Bakr! You will be my companion on the pond of Heaven as you were also my companion in the cave.” (Tirmidhi)
He (RA) was the first man who accepted Islam & earned the title Al-Siddiq which means the true believing person due to his unflattering faith in Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He (RA) was very generous, kind hearted, merciful, loving, honest & truthful. Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) was the good representative of Islamic ethics. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) established the authority of the state by gathering the Muslims among whom conflicts occurred. He (RA) made great efforts regarding the compilation & protection of the Holy Quran. He (RA) became a means of spreading Islam outside the Arabian Peninsula, in Syria, Palestine & Iraq, for the first time. He (RA) enabled the Quran & Islamic ethics to be practiced just like in the period of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) was always loved & respected by the public due to his noble characteristics. He had a character that did not welcome people’s arrogant attitudes & that helped the poor and the needy. He (RA) saved many Muslim slaves by paying significant amounts of money to the masters of the slaves in order to set them free. His caliphate period was short that ended after 2 years when He (RA) was died in 634 A.D and buried next to the Prophet (PBUH).
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